Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Top 5 Projects of Quarter 1

Normally I update on Saturday's and Thursdays, but last Saturday something came up that I needed to spend some time with and then ultimately got me feeling sick by being out in the down poring rain for a day. So now It's Thursday and the 1st quarter is wrapping up. In celebrating one quarter down and making up for a lack of a post on Saturday, I decided I would upload my top 5 projects of the quarter that haven't been posted yet.

This is a Japanese horror movie poster that I made as a final project for color theory. We had to research a foreign countries layout out and color usage for either horror movies or sci-fi movies and create a movie poster of our own portraying what we learned. The poster also had to have a concept for the movie behind it. I chose Japanese horror movies. 

All the Japanese Kanji is done in an online translator. The content of the text isn't as important as the placement of it, the color of it and of course it being in a foreign language. The concept of the movie I came up with is a spirit that posses people forcing them to consciously murder their friends and family. If the person possessed is killed by another person the spirit secretly transfers to the killer and the cycle continues. The picture in the poster represents this by the spirit reaching out of the eye. This was all photo manipulation in Photoshop.

This next project is also a color theory project. This was my Psychedelic Portrait for week 6. We were allowed to go all out with colors and just have fun. There are a lot of things in the picture so to fully enjoy it I recommend clicking on it and viewing it in a larger format. Of course because this is a portrait; I'm the one coming out of the liquid and the eyes in the sky are mine as well. This was all done in Photoshop.

Another project for Color Theory makes it to my top 5. This one is again in Photoshop, but this is digitally painted rather then dabbling in photo manipulation. The project was to design a Tattoo with symbolism and colorize it different ways following color schemes we had previously learned. It was more of a review assignment but offered a great opportunity for me to practice digital painting. I am prior military and the symbolism represents how I felt the Navy was holding me back, more of a past feeling because now I can afford to go to school because of the Navy. 

Here is a painting I did for Fundamentals of Design class. This project was for week 6 as well. I'm demonstrating my understanding of visual rhythm. The best way, I thought, to demonstrate rhythm, more specifically progressive rhythm, was to slowly morph an object into another object. I was trying to think of opposite's that I could apply this to. Even though a pencil and an eraser are common around each other, what better opposites then a tool for creation and a tool for destruction. The vertical line of the pencil also enhances the rhythmic feel as apposed to an already curved shape. This was done in acrylic paints.

Finally this is a 1 point perspective drawing for my Observational Drawing class week 8. We were instructed to walk around the school and find an internal location to draw in perspective. The lines on the wall are the shadows cast by the light fixtures. This is all done in pencil.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

2 More Previous Work

I finalized my personal logo and it has been applied it to the left sidebar of the blog. I also thought I would upload a couple more projects from the past. I hope to have all my work from quarter 1 posted before the start of quarter 2 coming up in a few weeks.

Here is a pencil drawing exploring reflection and transparent surfaces for my Observational Drawing class. This was a good opportunity to practice ovals with cups and glasses. If I were to redraw or improve this drawing, I would make sure the glass didn't lean to the right, as well as make the top flat part of the upside down reflective bowl a smaller oval.

This Color Theory project we had to pick a logo and using color re-design it to appeal to some other audiences. I chose the colors for the adult's logo to feel more professional or classy. The Teenage boy's logo color choice was an attempt to portray excitement and action. The teenage female logo was designed to be eye catching.

Keep in mind you can click on these pictures to view them in a larger size if you wish.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

More Old Projects

This time I had to skip a week ahead in showing my Fundamentals of Design work because week 3's assignment apparently still needs to be scanned.

Here is my first Typography assignment I am showing. We spent 3 weeks developing our own typeface. I named it my new type face "Claw". This is hand rendered with pencil and then filled in with a thick marker.

This project was for week 4 in my Fundamentals of Design class. I will have to show my 3rd week assignment in another post. Here I was supposed to show my understanding of scale. We were to build a chair of some sort out of any materials, and it had to be at least a foot tall. I decided to make a throne out of plastic Jewels because my last name is Jewell. The piece is held together with E-6000 glue, it's supported with a sliced Styrofoam cone and sitting on painted cardboard. The back board is wire wrapped in the shape of a jewel with a necklace piece as the center point. Stick-on plastic gems were added to the backboard and base. Because it was so reflective it was difficult to get a good picture of the throne.

My final project to show you is my color theory project. We were demonstrating our ability to blend colors. We had to take an image or famous painting and reproduce it showing 4 different color gradients. One section had to be monotone, another section had to be shades of what ever color we wanted, another section had to be tints of the color we chose and a final section had to be tints and shades of complimentary colors. The painting I chose to reproduce was the "Virgin Annunciate" by Antonello da Messina in 1476.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

My Second Week

These were also completed and turned in a few weeks ago. They are some of the projects I worked on for week 2 of my first quarter in school.

This poster was a project for my Fundamentals of Design class. It's purpose was to show our understanding of unity within a design. The specifications stated the design must have a number spelled out, contain 4 squares and 5 circles and finally we could have one shape of our own choosing. I choose to layer the shapes over each other to outline the number one's shape in front of a red rectangle (the red rectangle being my custom shape) and spelling out "ONE" with positive and negative shapes.

Color Schemes were a little difficult for me. Not only was I learning what the color schemes were but I was also trying to learn how to mix paint to achieve the results I wanted. My color schemes project for my  Color Theory class didn't exactly come out the way I wanted. I traced a coloring book image of Spiderman and painted in new colors following color schemes. What's uploaded here is the actual paintings I did but I took it in to Photoshop and put in a black background then labeled the color schemes. It wasn't the most clean and well done work I've done but it was a good learning experience.    

This next project was an ink still life done in my Observational Drawing class. The goal was to demonstrate hatching and cross hatching techniques with pen. We were not allowed to do an under drawing in pencil, we had to start with pen on a blank sheet of paper. For this drawing all I used was a regular ball point pen.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

My First Week

I've uploaded some of my work from the first week of school. These were done and turned in many weeks ago but I'll upload projects here in week groupings to catch up to current work.

These two are scans of my Fundamental of Design projects for week 1. They are Japanese Notan designs made from cut out paper to show our understanding of negative and positive space.

This was our first assignment in color theory where we had to mix colors and paint our own color wheel with acrylic paint. I had no previous experience painting traditionally before this.

For Observational Drawing our first assignment was to draw a still life that was set up in class. This is the first drawing class I have ever taken.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Hello and welcome to my Blog. Here I will be posting many different things to record my progress towards becoming a Game Artist, which will include projects for school and personal work as well. Currently I am attending the Art Institute of San Diego for Game Art and Design and I am just over half way finished with my first quarter. I am looking forward to sharing my work and receiving feedback from you. Thank you.
