Sunday, May 13, 2012

School is going well. We are half way through the quarter and I have already signed up for the next quarter's classes. Some of the classes I will be taking next quarter are "Character and Object Design", "2-D Animation Principles", and "Principles of 3D Modeling". 

Here are a couple things I have worked on in the last couple weeks.

This first one is a sketch for Drawing and Anatomy, "mannequinizing" the human figure from a photograph of a model. We were only given a picture of her pose from one angle and we had to draw the same pose from many different angles.

This one is also from Drawing and Anatomy. We were told to draw the mannequin form in action poses and bring it to class. There he critiqued our drawings and he drew his interpretation of the pose (the figure between the center and furthest right pose is his interpretation of mine). His biggest suggestion for me here is to keep the figures loose and more organic.

This is a quick practice drawing from Perspective class. What I am practicing here is the idea of drawing the overall shape of an object as a box and then "cutting out" sections of it to take on the intended shape but still remain in perfect perspective.

These next two are for my Image Manipulation class. This was our midterm project. The project was to make a book cover, related to our major, as if we wrote the book. The back cover was just extra credit. We were told to use images from the web, so I don't take credit for any of the images. 

Again I don't take credit for the werewolf or the background picture. We were handed pictures of a comic style black and white drawing that our instructor got from the internet and we had to scan that picture in and colorize (texture) him and give him a background. The background had to be a real photo that we made look like a comic book to match the subject.

1 comment:

  1. Great work Ryan! Really cool to see the progress you are making, especially when you consider you're only five months in.
