Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Portfolio Work - Environment - Futuristic Bar - Day 13

My computer was out of commision this weekend due to a major virus/malware attack. I spent more time fixing it then anything else. Luckily no data was lost, just work hours. I'm in the process of watching my video tutorial for the week.

In preparation and in conjunction with trying to manipulate my scenes light in photoshop I thought this tutorial might help.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Portfolio Work - Environment - Futuristic Bar - Day 9

Not much progress to show today. I have been focusing on other projects the last couple of days, namely my Prototype work. I have finished importing all my blockout assets now I'm going to auto generate a basic lightmap for a first pass lighting to take into photoshop.

I also was told it would be a good idea to put up my notes I took when first starting the project. I never ment for these to see the light of day but here you go.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Portfolio Work - Environment - Futuristic Bar - Day 6

Just a quick update tonight. I'm currently in the process of importing the block out into Unreal 4 to work on my first pass of lighting. I'm not sure if this is the right way to go about it but all the structural assets I'm keeping their pivot points at world center so when I import them into Unreal 4 the drop right into place. All the placeable, more adjustable, assets have their pivots more local to the object like normal.

One issue that I'm already seeing is that I will have to give everything basic lightmap UV's to bake the global illumination to before I can work on lighting in the engine, that's why the shadows are so dark right now.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Portfolio Work - Environment - Futuristic Bar - Day 4

I've continued to work on blocking out the scene and have added a lot more of the medium sized details. I shrunk the middle pillar above the camera because I felt it was blocking out too much of the scene. I've also added a render cam to get a feeling where the main shot will take place from (it's the first picture). Just a little more tweaking, a few more details and then I will export it into Unreal 4 and start working on lighting.

Lots of people leave things at the bar, or items will fall out of patron's pockets. It's gotten to the point now that they just hang the lost and found items around the bar for people to claim. I still need to come up with what items will be hanging but there positions are beginning to be blocked out in the image below.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Portfolio Work - Environment - Futuristic Bar

    I found this picture of a futuristic bar scene from http://www.artbyward.com/ by Ward Lindhout. I was drawn to it's gritty and run down look while still maintaining it's science fiction setting. This feeling is something I want to recreate in 3D. So this is the concept I'm choosing to recreate in game for my portfolio.

I see this place in my mind as the sole form of entertainment on a space station. Much like the bars and restaurants at an airport.

I've got the major shapes blocked out for the most part. I need to adjust things here and there until the proportions feel right to me. I've already started blocking out some of the medium details, but that's the next step for me.

And of course the recreation of the Half-Life 2 police model wasn't made by me and will not be in the final version. I'm just using him as a scale reference that fits the futuristic theme.